I use recently
distribution Proxmox
as surround virtualization.
Only it turns out that in the network or I use this distribution I use a proxy to get out on the Net. Here are the changes you need to perform the basic installation to make it work correctly. For "apt-get update" and "apt-get upgrade" function is modified (or created if necessary)
file / etc / apt / apt.conf containing the line:
For wget works it modifies the file / etc / wgetrc around line 79 is removed by deleting the comment # and we correct the address of the proxy as follows: http_proxy =
for the command "pveam update" function is modified
/ usr/share/perl5/PVE/APLInfo.pm
after line 84 in the update method is added:
# this code works for ftp and http
# Always use passive ftp
local $ ENV {} = FTP_PASSIVE 1;
my $ ua = LWP:: UserAgent-> new;
$ ua-> env_proxy;
# $ ua-> agent ("PVE/1.0");
then just run in a Shell:
before launching the famous pveam update