Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Clarins Products Good For Acne Skin?

How to compare (and know) the debian packages installed on 2 servers

I use recently
distribution Proxmox
as surround virtualization.
Only it turns out that in the network or I use this distribution I use a proxy to get out on the Net. Here are the changes you need to perform the basic installation to make it work correctly. For "apt-get update" and "apt-get upgrade" function is modified (or created if necessary)
file / etc / apt / apt.conf
containing the line:
  • Acquire: : http::Proxy ""

    For wget works it modifies the file / etc / wgetrc around line 79 is removed by deleting the comment # and we correct the address of the proxy as follows: http_proxy =

    for the command "pveam update" function is modified

    / usr/share/perl5/PVE/APLInfo.pm

    after line 84 in the update method is added:
    # this code works for ftp and http
    # Always use passive ftp
    local $ ENV {} = FTP_PASSIVE 1;
    my $ ua = LWP:: UserAgent-> new;

    $ ua-> env_proxy;

    # $ ua-> agent ("PVE/1.0");

    then just run in a Shell:
  • export http_proxy = ""
    before launching the famous pveam update

  • Tuesday, May 5, 2009

    What Is The Safe Period For Intercourse

    Increase the size of a LVM2 logical volume online

    I currently working on setting a server

    This distribution allows to implement server virtualization quickly based on a debian 64 bit kvm and the tools I already use for quite some time on OpenVZ and Gentoo (a virtualization solution " container "for Linux I discovered), it will also have me do a post just on that.
    Meanwhile I give you the url
    my public notepad Virtualization

    always short is it that in my network surroundings.Its I am behind a proxy and it took me to do everything for mods 2-3 it works. And as Proxmox uses perl modules in PVE and I was tired of see Perl code in / usr/share/perl5/PVE / in Black and White with vim I wanted to enable syntax highlighting by a syntax enable command mode in vim and I see it respond in Nicht Supportieren this version of Vim! Ach
    not a Karambar! and making a
    vim - version
    I see there is a syntax-Was ist das! Neither one nor
    of two
    I run a apt-cache search vim
    that tells me that there is a package "vim-perl" and a shoo Chtit
    apt-get install vim-perl
    and I find myself with a good command vim.perl
    and now when vim.perl / usr/share/perl5/PVE/APLInfo.pm and I typing: syntax enable I actually Code of beautiful Technicolor. As I do not want of typing it every time I put it in ~ /. Vimrc and so it will be forever and simply. A + on the bus

    Monday, May 4, 2009

    Nami Bath Hentaï Picturs

    Using Proxmox behind a Proxy

    I had a directory full of tif files with tfw files. I wanted to meet me with all images converted Geotiff . The advantage then is that we included in the image file tiff any georeferencing information. To do this we need only one tool: gdal So with the command:

      for i in `ls -1` *. tif; do (gdal_translate-of-GTiff a_srs EPSG: 4149 $ i `basename $ i. tif` _geo.tif)
    1. done all the original files in your directory will be preserved and for each file tif MonBoFichier.tif there will MonBoFichier_geo.tif a new file that has been created. And these new files containing georeferencing information as you can see by running a tiffinfo or better one:
      listgeo cn41_geo.tif
      Geotiff_Information: Version: 1 Key_Revision: 1.0
    2. Tagged_Information:
    3. ModelTiepointTag (2.3 ) 0 0 0 550 000 158 000 0 ModelPixelScaleTag (1,3):
      5 5 0
    4. GTModelTypeGeoKey (Short,1): ModelTypeGeographic
    5. GTRasterTypeGeoKey (Short,1): RasterPixelIsArea GeographicTypeGeoKey (Short,1): Unknown-4149 GeogCitationGeoKey (Ascii,7): "CH1903" GeogAngularUnitsGeoKey (Short,1): Angular_Degree End_Of_Keys. End_Of_Geotiff.
      GCS: 4149/CH1903
      Datum: 6149/CH1903
      Ellipsoid: 7004/Bessel 1841 (6377397.16,6356078.96)
      Prime Meridian: 8901/Greenwich (0.000000/ 0d 0' 0.00"E)
      Corner Coordinates: Upper Left <--ajout pour support proxy (550000d 0 '0.00 "E, 158000d 0' 0.00" N) Lower Left
      (550000d 0 '0.00 "E, 110000d 0' 0.00" N) Upper Right
      (620000d 0'4294967296 .00 "E 158000d 0 '0.00 "N) Lower Right
      (620000d 0'4294967296 .00" E, 110000d 0' 0.00 "N)
      Center (585000d 0 '0.00" E, 134000d 0' 0.00 "N)