If you're like me, you like having
chromium your favorite Linux distribution. Personally pers just for the automatic sync favorites and to test WebGL, I confess that I could not do without chromium. To always have the latest version I wrote this little perl script getchromium.pl: # / usr / bin / perl-w
use LWP:: Simple;
- use HTTP:: Status qw (: constant: is status_message)
- my $ base_url = "http://build.chromium.org/f/chromium/snapshots/chromium-rel-linux-64/"
- my $ filename = "chrome-linux.zip"
- LatestRelease = $ get ("$ base_url / LATEST '); die" ERROR # # trying to read the version number "unless $ LatestRelease;
print (" I proceed to the download: \\ n $ base_url / $ LatestRelease / $ filename \\ nfor in store: $ LatestRelease-$ filename \\ n ");
$ http_response_code = mirror (" $ base_url / $ LatestRelease / $ filename "," $ LatestRelease-$ filename ");
if ($ http_response_code! = HTTP_OK) {print status_message ($ http_response_code)," \\ n "; die" # # INFO: c ' is why I decided not to do anything ... \\ n ";} mkdir $ LatestRelease;
chdir $ LatestRelease; @ args = (" unzip ""../$ LatestRelease-$ filename"); system (@ args) == 0
or die "ERROR # # in trying to decompress the archive: $ LatestRelease-$ filename "; chdir ".."; print $ symlink_exists = eval {symlink ("",""); 1}; unlink (" chromium "); symlink ("$ LatestRelease", "chromium") if $ symlink_exists; # in case you're on win32
Now launching getchromium.pl on my Ubuntu I get the latest tarball for Linux x86_64 is going to decompress name in the directory of this release and create a symlink to this directory. As I created on my Gnome desktop launcher that points ~ / tools / chromium / chromium-linux / chrome - Enable-WebGL so I can always run the latest x86_64 snapshoot Chromium Chromium buildbot available.
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